Integrel Generator Replacement
Advanced Generator Replacement Technology
Finally, a solution to generating power without the added fuel costs and noise of a generator. Award winning Integrel’s smart new technology will allow you to generate up to 9kw of electricity by maximizing the performance of your existing inboard engine. When your engine is used for both propulsion and power generation, you save up to 25% in fuel costs and precious space in your engine room.
Integrel is also completely automatic. It requires very little maintenance or intervention, so you are free to do more of what you love.
So How Does It Work?
Existing inboard engines have spare capacity most of the time. Integrel uses this extra capacity to generate power. It can direct energy to immediate needs or to a battery bank for storage. As the engine’s spare capacity increases and decreases, Integrel adjusts the power generation.
When you start the main engine, magnets embedded in the rotor improve the internal magnetic coupling, delivering exceptionally high power and efficiency. Integrel’s system controller is programmed with information about the propeller, the engine and the main elements of the boat’s electrical system. This allows it to calculate in real time exactly how much additional load can be added to bring the engine to its most efficient point at any given engine speed. The system actively manages its output so that the engine is always running at its most fuel efficient.
Integrel prioritizes propulsion and the electrical power is ramped up slowly to avoid any shock loading on the engine. Integrel’s dedicated user interface displays all the data for your energy system including your fuel levels. When the engine is not running, all of your electrical systems run on the energy stored in the batteries; the more batteries, the greater your electrical autonomy. You’ll receive a notice when the batteries need recharging. To recharge, simply start the engine. Because Integrel is so powerful, the engine only needs to run at idle or slightly above to quickly recharge the batteries.
To learn more, check out the Integrel User Guide or go to Integrel Solutions. We look forward to helping you determine if Integrel would be a good fit for your project.
Sailboat Generator Replacement
Integrel Solutions
Nigel Calder Integrel Demonstration (Summary)
Grant Headifen Explains Integrel Solutions
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- Mailing Address:
7001 Seaview Ave NW Ste 160-760
Seattle, WA 98117 - Phone:206-708-5157